Another thing about my husband is that he didn't like to stay off the iodine as long as he needed to to clear the detox gunk. He wasn't one to respond to higher doses, just got sicker. Consider staying off iodine longer than you think you have to if you don't have someone observing you and saying, Not Yet. Also, oil pulling helped both of us. Just another avenue to get the gunk out. If body odor/BM is stinky like a goat, that's bromine. If body odor/BM has a certain toxic essence, it could be aldehyde from candida die-off. Sometimes you get a two-fer.
No set time for how long to stay at 100 mg. Some people think that's a minimum "forever" dose. Some people think that's more than they ever want to take. When you have another bout of detox you might need to back off then. But if going higher helps you through this detox, you might go even higher. Any dose you take is just for today. Tomorrow your body may give you another clue which way to go.
Oil pulling -- about a tablespoon of oil, such as organic sesame or coconut oil, that you gently swish in your mouth, between your teeth, gently, for roughly 20 minutes or until it thins. Then spit it out. Don't swallow. Can draw out what's available to be absorbed in your mouth and towards the front of your head. I fixed detox headaches with oil-pulling. Sometimes I don't know I feel bad, then feel better after oil-pulling first thing in the morning. During rough detox, Hubby will oil-pull 4-5 times a day, as he generates a great deal of bromine residue that the oil pulls out. He wasn't laughing when the smell was so vile he almost puked. :))
If your head feels swimmy and your thinking's blurry, Take a Break.
If your energy tanks and getting up to go to the bathroom takes a strong effort, Take a Break.
If your sweat reeks and fumes surround and follow you, Take a Break.
If your sleep is suffering, you're hot and cold and feel a mess, Take a Break.
If your mate or friend suspects you've left yourself somewhere, Take a Break.
If it all feels like too much, it probably is. Let yourself breathe. There's always tomorrow.
I haven't taken a break when I've had aches and pains, swelling, pain in old injection sites, revisiting old injuries. Some headaches made me pause, others didn't. When I got logged down by molecular iodine and depression threatened, I added SSKI. Plenty of water, plenty of salt daily, good food, good fats, support supplements kept things moving out. Exercise, rebounding, walking, running. Breathing. Reading on this board what others have done to push through or otherwise help themselves. The sigh of relief that I wasn't the only one. :)
Bless you, that's no fun at all. Every time you finish a bout of detox and feel clear again, you'll tell a difference. You'll bop along, humming a tune, and the next round will hit you out of the blue. Every time the gunk comes out, you'll feel lighter and have a larger sense of the possibilities. Maybe after a year (?) you might level off a bit, but depending on what you've accumulated and what you're exposed to, three years might be needed for stability. Maybe your cleanses will shorten that timeline. For instance, we've been through two rounds of old injection sites that start aching and feeling like they're pushing something out, separated by a year.
From what I've picked up on, Trapper has seen the other side, as has Wombat and Vulcanel. Perhaps others have as well. I'm still in the middle, as is Hubby, but we're much better off than we were in the beginning 3-1/2 years ago. I have a long history of psych meds to detox, plus candida and hypothyroidism. Hubby's family inheritance is extreme longevity cursed by dementia. We celebrate every year on the anniversary of having our amalgam fillings out! And bless that so many here have shared their stories so we didn't feel crazy so much of the time. LOL Best wishes, Darren!