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Woe is me...too much/too little
cougar Views: 2,331
Published: 14 y

Woe is me...too much/too little

I had been taking 50mg iodoral and painting SSKI for many months since my last episode in July or August when I overloaded my kidneys and put my back out

so a couple of weeks ago I started taking trappers 2% internally again and opted for 1 drop several times a day
was able to up it to 2 drops each dose and then recently 3 drops

somewhere in there I started feeling like I was getting sick and yellow mucous out of the lungs
also did a Calcium D-glucarate flush which according to my ND helps open detox pathways

I kept upping the Iodine because ever since I started Iodine 2 1/2 years ago I have felt like i was about to get sick, lung stuff that never really goes anywhere, so I have been wondering if there is something I need to blast into never-never land

The dosage of Iodine i take seems to keep it at bay, but not enough to ask whatever it is to move along

so last nite and today I stop iodine and it start feeling better again....not sick
and as the days wears on my low back starts to ache and brassy yucky taste in mouth comes back

any thoughts on this from the Iodine experts here?

is this one of those issues it could be worth pushing through?

My brain thinks two things:
1. either I have a bug and my system has been so down regulated for so long and Iodine is turning it back on and I am not there yet to knock it out.....


2. Too much detox and my system is overloaded and easier to pick up a pathogen.

I am kind of leaning toward number one since at times when I take immune herbs I feel better for awhile.

and of course I am open to other options from you brilliant, iodine saturated lovelies!!!!


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