First, the liver has to produce enough ATP for the privileged organs heart, brain.
Then he can think of cleaning the body from the garbage. If the council does not arise and purification of ketone bodies did not go as smoothly as we wanted. And anyone who has ever driven into the fuel will change ATP and ketone bodies such as the immediately see the differences in the efficiency of your body.
Simply purchase creatine and use 2-3g per day continuously. Then see what is ENERGY:) + iodine, of course, with it everything works better
The body of the same sets priorities, without the prior consent of the owner: P heh heh
Compound DGo' of phosphate hydrolysis (kJ/mol)
Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) - 61.9
Phosphocreatine - 43.1
Pyrophosphate - 33.5
ATP (to ADP) - 30.5
Glucose-6-phosphate - 13.8
Glycerol-3-phosphate - 9.2
palmitate ATP 106-129 :)
Servus Mariusz :)
As Maniek says, "The body sets priorities, without the prior approval of the owner." Amen to that.
Lungs, schmungs. Your body knows the right order to do things in, and in its own time. Seriously -- Its Own Time. Overall, I choose Option 1, without a pathogen necessarily being involved. It could be plain ole gunk. Over Christmas I coughed and coughed, felt my thyroid vibrate every time I did it, I didn't know what I was coughing out. Two weeks later, my thyroid started working without medication. It hasn't been consistent, mind you, but this tells me it will happen. Let go of trying to control what happens. Find a dose and combo that sings for you, support yourself, settle in, and forget about it. Update in 6 months. Iodine repair is a long haul.
Yes, generic Armour. Finally after struggling to overcome the hypothyroid, I went on it last summer. The small goiter I'd developed went away as soon as the iodine could actually get in, it felt like. I was cruising along on an average of 5-1/2 grains, when I started noticing my temps were falling in the afternoon, even though I took my noon dose. Like the thyroid meds weren't even there. Started thinking more about adrenals, though I'd been supporting them all along. Started thinking, what if I have too much and the extra's going to reverse T3 and stopping up the receptors? Stopped taking my noon dose, and I started feeling better. The only symptom I had of too much hormone was restlessness at night. Sitting in my chair before bed, my legs wouldn't stop wanting to move. I slowly lowered my morning dose, and found my temps holding. Go figure. There's healing going on, but I'm not directing it. I just follow the leader :)