I doubt that ES is causing the loose stools if you are not taking it now although if you are taking a magnesium supplements it may have made you looser as will some foods, such as prumes, grapes and high doses of Vit C. It may help to eat more fiber with meals. You might want to look into intestinal parasites, food allergies /intolerances, gluten sensitivity. Metametrix Labs offers a enteric panel and provide much information about what's in the gut. You both could be carrying some toxin producing bacteria - small numbers of enteric pathogens including Clostridium dificile.
According to Hulda Clark the Liver-Flush will disrupt the bowel flora but whatever microbial balance you had before the flush reestablishes itself in a few days. She does advise taking digestive enzymes, probiotics in pills or in foods and using Betaine HCl to increase stomach acidity. Turmeric, cayenne and other spicy herbs can decrease the number of toxin carrying enteric bacteria. It may be helpful to read Elaine Gottshall's book - Breading the Vicious Cycle, see website for SCD.