Re: day 8 - uphill until...
Hi! I would love to hear the whole story :) it sounds like you have been through a lot! If you have a history of eating unhealthy (like many of us) use this time to research about refeeding and dt. fuhler´s system. To beat that scale, you need to be extra careful! the work isint finished after the fast and you can put it back on in 4 days if you are not careful.
About 6 or 7 years ago, I wasn´t very concerned about healthy eating but I was about my image and losing weight. And I did the lemon juice and syrup fast, lasted 7 days. It was an incredible experience and after the fast I was glowing. However, I remember I celebrated the end of the fast by going out and partying, drinking. And started eating beyond normally, over eating in fact. So physically I only "glowed" lol for like 2 days (surprisingly the weight took long to come back). But mentally it was different. I did the fast during exams period and to this day, I still remember what I studied. I was so agile mentally for a long time after the fast it was amazing. I had never felt that extent. Eventually that was gone too. Maybe because I never took care of myself again. I did try to start the fast like 4 times after that, but never made past 1 day. Most times past 1 morning. I just couldn´t.
The only reason I have been able to do this fast is because I had religious reasons.
Thank you so much for your appreciation. I too, look at this forum often and its a great source of inspiration, information and encouragement. It´s a very unique experience and I feel honored to meet people who embark on such adventure!
Today was a great day too, I realized things that relate to your post. That will be on tomorrow´s post.
Hope to hear from you soon! Oh and I would love the email and getting to know your process :)