One thing to remember that even if one who has thryo issues cleanses themselves of all parasties, that won't make you yes, keeping that thryo healthy is super duper important. I do para cleanses routinely and sometimes for a good month but when I was not taking care of my thyro I literally hit the floor big time. My chiro tested me for parasites and adrenal fatigue and a few other things and had none of what he tested me for...I had prior to hitting the floor been on a intensive cleanse coupled with stringent eating habits so it was not making sense what was going on...I did swear I had mad issues with parasites and wasn't hitting them hard core enough..turns out was not the problem at after all. However, it is of utmost importance to cleanse and do everything you can to support your body while healing and if you do the thryo protocol, I would say you will be in beautiful shape come spring. good luck!