We have found that a good starting place is to put 0.625 ml (1/8 teaspoon) of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in 1 liter of water. You can use this for about a week then the amount of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement should be cut in half for the second week. If a third week is needed cut the amount in half again and then you can cut it in half again and use that for a month of prevention in order to get your body back in balance.
The initial amount gives you a concentration of 80 PPM available chlorine dioxide. So you start at 80 PPM, drop down to 40 PPM, drop down to 20 PPM, and finally end up at 10 PPM. The goal is to try and drink 1 liter of this a day.
We have had good results from this and I am interested in how it works out for you.