This is to the poster that said they were allergic to garlic, cinnamon, etc.
We are now 55 years old. Growing up with my friend, I seen how sick Garlic and Onions made her. She could not use any seasonings, all of her food had to be bland. She could not even stand to smell Garlic.
She had a high liver count if you were around to follow my posts three years ago. I know Fledgling was.
Thank the good lord that she followed what I did with taking the Humaworm and doing the plain liver flush. We all have done around 11 Humaworm cleanses and my friend and I are due for another one next month.
After my friends third HW cleanse she noticed cravings for Garlic and she could not get enough of it. She eats onion and Garlic now. Two things that are extremely healthy for you. I hope this testimony helps people. Happy New Year! Donna