I read a lot of good things about Brewer's yeast and it's nutritional benefits.
A friend told me to avoid it, even though it is killed yeast it has yeast proteins that other living yeast in the body can use.
When I take powdered brwer's yeast the taste is really tough, and I get this aftertaste and feeling in my stomach a causing little nauseousness 9mostly because it tastes do gross i think).
1- Is it safe to consume this or will the protien be used by living harmful bacteria in my body
2- How do I get around this yuky feeling after I consume this? i tried using it as seasoning, tried mixing it with bananas, etc.. I always get that yucky feeling after ingesting.
I wanted to take this for nutrition.. all the B vitamins. If you know of an alternative to brewer's yeast let me know.