Re: Receding gums? Gingivitis? Linked to AF?
Also, here goes, did you have any major stresser (or many, in which case please list them in groupings of 10, starting with the most stressful thing) around the time you think the AF started?
I mean like a "real life" stresser, like two people in your family recently lost their lives to lightning strikes, you lost your job, you found your boyfriend's mug shot in a sex offender registry or saw your girlfriend's ladybits in 1989's "Spring Break Edition" Hustler magazine.
With AF, you can usually pinpoint a time when events piled up, i.e. you had a period of natural stress response (insomnia, maybe a noticeable uptake in drink or drugs, racing/obsessive thoughts, sensitivity to loud noises) and then things went kafooey, i.e. you crashed.