Re: After months of waiting, my sputum culture results are in. Please advise me! ....
Be careful as not to confused your symptoms with someone elses as your condition is NOT contagious.
Unless you've been very unlucky or on a very limited budget chances are you do not have mold toxicity anymore in your new appartment but because of the effects on all your systems you are still sick.
A very simple way to start: take some fresh air everyday by taking a walk (it can help your father too!) and also make sure you open the window (even a little) in your room every day to change the air.
Then start by cutting all refined
Sugar of your diet.
If you read a bit about candida, you should not take any prescribed antifungals as they contribute to chronic infection. Dr Jeff (see the forum and is personnal web site)is a thrustworthy person if you need a good plan to kill either mold,
parasites or bacteria that made residence in your gut.
If you are on a limited budget start by taking a few drops of grapefruit seed extract(gse) or oregano oil or olive leaf extracts.
Start slow, go slow...
As for me, I had to get a professionnal to decontaminate my house because it had the highest level of insalubrity. ($$$)
I started on gse for a year and now taking caprylic acid...I will eventually take Sf222 (Dr jeff products).
I had 3 colonics.Taking magnesium, VB, Vc and essential fatty acids.
I take dosage of natural antifungals way below what a normal person is supposed to because if I do tahe higher dosage I get sick again...
In general, I think with candida albican you have to go very slow but for a longer a word you have to be patient and very determined!
As they say "start slow, go slow, but get somewhere!