Re: The Cost of IDs
This was posted on December 10 regarding the cost of the Republic IDs. Beneath that blurb he has said something with regard to why he is touting the nation as a Christian nation. This is where I personally feel that TT is stepping over the line - by pushing a Christianity agenda into the mix, just imo. Because by doing so, he is in a sense planting seeds for a divisiveness to be continued indefinitely:
(email from President Turner to All Americans regarding the new ID's)
Fellow Americans,
There have been questions about the cost of our ID cards by some and would like to address the issue to everyone rather than to hundreds of emails individually. The ID equipment was purchased by a loan of more than $30,000.00 from friends of our Republic. I promised them I would repay the loan in a relatively short period of time. We must keep our word and honor the debt and we will honor this one if I have to pay it myself. I would have purchased the machine and gladly given all of you a free card if it was possible. I have spent about $175,000.00 of my own personal money to hold meetings, travel, pay expenses and help organize this government and would give more if I could but I have nearly exhausted all of my personal funds to help make this government happen. Many others have also sacrificed much to help. We have no complaints as it was God’s money and are thankful that he provided it for this purpose. We have to provide an office, pay employees to make the cards, provide supplies, maintenance and deliver the cards to you. It takes a lot of money just to do that. The plan we have put in place will hopefully repay this loan and provide the $100,000.00 needed to purchase the equipment to create lawful passports for you as well. We are asking for those who want a card to help carry the financial load because I can’t do it alone. This is not my government, it is our government. We cannot begin our Republic using loose fiscal policies like the defacto corporation has. It is not honorable and not according to God’s ways. We have to share in costs of Government if we intend to have freedom. We cannot begin another welfare state and expect it to be a free country. If some of you have been blessed financially please help another who can’t afford an ID card. That is how God’s people make it through tough times, we share our blessings. I pray every day for God to bless all of you. We are very concerned for your financial well being but until our funding is released we have to continue to do our best to move forward. God is testing us and we are passing with flying colors. We will soon be victorious and sit back in awe of what God has done with a few dedicated Sons and Daughters who dared to stand against the powerful evil forces in this world. I appreciate every one of you that have taken a stand. Please remember us in your prayers that God will lead and guide us according to his will not ours.
Thank you and God Bless you,
James Timothy Turner
Email from Tim Turner explaining why we ARE a Christian Nation under GOD.
Our nation was founded on Christian principles that protect the rights of all people. Throughout our history we have never complained about any other religion or belief system and always allowed these other religions to practice in peace. We have always been on the defense from attacks, by non Christians, as we are now. Your listeners are not getting emails from us complaining about what they are doing but we are getting complaints from many of them because of our stand for Christianity. The truth is that if it wasn't for Christian beliefs operating in this government, you would not even have the right to complain without retalliation. We wish no harm on anyone and help everyone. We love God and our neighbor and what is wrong with that. So why are we being challenged on this. We only want to make sure that we uphold principles that will protect everyone because we have seen the evidence of how we are treated by non-christians. It is ok for everyone else to have freedom of speech and press but not Christians. I will uphold and support the Christian ethics of this government as long as I am involved. I hope that you and your friends will find peace.
God Bless, Tim Turner