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Re: List of grandmas medications
Hveragerthi Views: 1,825
Published: 15 y
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Re: List of grandmas medications

 (Hv, if you read this -- could you please answer this question: how would a patient know if there's any arterial blockage, if their cholesterol is high? Cholesterol readings by themselves are meaningless; so, is there a way to know, besides going in for surgery?)

The only non-invasive way I know of is carotid ultrasound done.  This only shows reductions in arterial flow in the carotids.  If these are narrowed though then there is a good chance that the coronary artery is also being narrowed from plaque.

Her blood pressure is now 140/100

That is still high.

and her only complaint is arthritis.

Most forms of arthritis are easy to treat.  But how it is treated will depend on the form of arthritis.



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