Re: List of grandmas medications
Different doctors prescribe medications for different things, so you need to know what exactly she is taking them for. And I would be very careful about meddling with somebody else's meds. Taking somebody off of something cold turkey that is meant to regulate their heart rhythm for instance, could be dangerous. Each medication should be looked up.
That said, I have the same goal with my husband, to get him off his meds and switched to healthier alternatives. He has heart disease. He has had two heart attacks. He has some plaque build up and has high blood pressure.
He is taking:
EDTA - to chelate the plaque
Fish oil
L-Arginine -1,000 mg twice a day (morning & night)
the natural form of Vit E
I have read (just yesterday) that pantothenic acid lowers cholesterol. And also beet root lowers blood pressure and helps clean out the liver.
The bottom line on cholesterol I think is, I don't believe the medical field has divine knowledge on this. From what I have read, your body needs cholesterol to function properly. It is used to make chemical messengers so that all systems can work synergistic ally. (Hormones and such), but the blood does need to be kept flowing freely for a healthy body so nutrients that can help facilitate that process would be beneficial.
I would be curious to hear what Hveragerthi has to say also.
Best of luck to you in helping your grandmother.