can i Just mixed all the herbs in any amounts bring to boil/simmer and everyday give them to her? or would tinctures be more efficient at dealing with the virus?
The herbs are best used as powders, not teas or tinctures. Both teas and tinctures have drawbacks including loss of insoluble compounds and, loss of nutrients by the heat of teas and both can alter the chemistry of some herbs. And chaparral is very resinous, so it does not work well when trying to make teas since the resin will separate in the water sticking to the pan wall. Therefore it is better to blend the herbs and capsule them.
As for the ratios I recommend 3 ounces each of chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis powders, and one ounce each of the amla and licorice root. Recommended dose is three size 'O' capsules or two size 'OO' capsules three times daily at least 20 minutes before meals.