14 y
Everyone has the right to their opinion!
I see Spud´s comments, observations, suggestions as very helpful and extremely level-headed. I admire her tenacity... especially since she (and a lot of others) observe how some important forums (
Politics Forum comes to mind immediately) are hijacked by one or two posters that crowd out the rest. She takes the time to speak out her opinion instead of ignoring them like a lot of us do. As soon as I read those few names, I don´t even bother to open up their post... which is unfortunate because I like reading diverse opinions. The universe thrives from diversity!!
Besides the fact that she contributes in a very POSITIVE manner with an excellent forum that had truly been missing on this fantastic website. In fact after all these years, this is one forum I look forward to visiting whenever I visit CZ.
What I miss alot here on CureZone is TOLERANCE! There are so many of US caught up in our egoistical, intolerant behaviour imagining only our point-of-view to be the right one. This has contributed to our sickness which is why we came here in the first place to learn and educate ourselves.
It is truly unfortunate that some very competent people (Moreless comes to mind) have been HOUNDED and sent away to create their own websites. Please let us not do this to Spudlydoo. As she has said herself (Moreless did the same as well)... if you do not agree with her point-of-view dont read her posts... then that won´t bother you! But you obviously do, because you know she (as Moreless did) has ALOT to say. So either read it and observe your intolerance or spend your time reading whatever else appeals to you.
Here´s wishing US all more LOVE & Tolerance!