sauna not the enemy but toxemia!
The reason we feel the dizzy spells during fasting is of the level of toxemia in our body.
I know for sure in my case if I do not find ways to let that released toxemia from my fat cells out, I will be so tire and at times forced to break the fast. Resting is good and you do really need it during fasting but it is the resting while the toxemia is running rampant in my blood I am concerned. Just think about it, if the toxin released from our fat cells etc does not get out let where will it go?
For the record, while fasting just on water only, I have never felt dizzy in the sauna, on the contrary sauna always deliver that boost of energy needed.
Since I started the sauna things are looking up. While in the sauna I laterally felt that dreaded bad mouth taste even vanished in minutes and the head ach gone and much more. I can also as needed repeat it 2-3 times a day with no ill effect.
IMHO the sweating help as an out let for most of the toxin released from our body.
After the sauna resting is always a breath.
But you just have to try it and see it.
Good Luck!