Re: Could it ALL be mirena? Is it too late for me?
I also had many of your symptoms, it can definitely be the Mirena.
A list of our similarities:
* dark hair growth. This isn't a huge problem for me, since it's not excessive, but I do feel like I've entered a second puberty since starting mirena. I am very fair-skinned, have always have blonde body hair, esp. on my legs, and now I have dark leg hair, dark hairs around my nipples, and a line of darks hairs from my navel to my pubis. I'm almost 30 not 16. This has to be the Mirena.
*Joint pain in hands. It would wake me up in the middle of the night, and I had a hard time at meals, because it hurt to hold a fork. I also had a hard time at work since I type all day. This symptom went away when the Mirena was removed, and has only returned very briefly for a day or so around my periods.
* IBS and weightloss. The start of all my mirena troubles was stomach pain and loose stools. It took a long time after removal for my stomach to feel better, and to start getting nutrition from my food and keep it from going right through me. Getting Mirena removed can only help.
I have had my Mirena removed for close to 18 months, and am still dealing with a lot of issues, but in general, I feel so much better knowing that no matter how long it takes, things will get better and not worse. The crashes are awful, but eventually you will feel better. Good luck!