I have had my mirena for what will be 5 years this upcoming April. So it is due to come out.
Within a few months of minera I had severe clotting and bleeding. Running down my leg. The dr said it was not mirena related.
By the year mark I had put on almost 20 pounds. They said it was my age, I was 30.
At 2 years, I went in to the gyn. I was worried about the weight gain, black hairs growing on my breast and face. (I have no black hair anywhere on my body, I am a fair skinned red head.) Mood swings. Anxiety. They told me I had PCOS. And it was not mirena related.
Since then, I have had severe back pain. Where I cannot sleep and wake up EVERY day with my lower back hurting.
My finger joints have become swollen and I cannot grip with pain. My hand will not fully close now.
I rarely have a solid bowel movement.
My vision gets distorted, occasionally, for a second or two.
I have had some pretty severe episodes of vertigo... where the room spins. Espcially laying down, sitting up. And I can no longer lay on my left side without getting dizzy.
I have light headedness everyday for over a year now.
I have been to the Cleveland Clinic for near fainting episodes. They have no idea what is wrong.
I have had high blood pressure for the first time ever.
I have had panic attacks. And general anxiety.
Wat is wrong with me? I pray t is the mirena... but am worried.
What if I get it removed, and I am still messed up?