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Re: Monsanto sues Oakhurst Dairy over advertising

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Re: Monsanto sues Oakhurst Dairy over advertising

 Can't say that I agree w/ that last sentiment, Spud. Any entity w/ the ability to decide which corporations are too big and too powerful is scarier to me than the corporations themselves. It's never been easier to raise public awareness about something. 

Spud has a very good point.  And it is not the size of the corporation that is in question, it is the power they have to suppress our rights.  If Monsanto were to win this case then what would be next?  Pharmaceutical companies suing us if we claim a particular drug is dangerous?  Gun manufacturers suing news stations if they report on a child killed because the gun did not have a safety lock?  Tobacco manufacturers suing people if they claimed their cigarette smoking caused their cancer?  Junk food manufacturers suing bloggers for writing that junk foods can cause health issues such as obesity and diabetes?  The beef industry suing people for stating that beef raises the risk of heart disease?  Where should it stop?  

And what about our right to free speech?  Are big corporations supposed to control what we can and cannot say?

Monsanto is suing because the dairy is stating their milk is BGH free, and that implies it is safer.  Is this statement false? Of course not,  BGH has been shown to cause problems at least for the cows, in which it can cause mastitis leading to additional antibiotic use.  Then there is the increased cancer risk in humans.  So let's say that Monsanto winds this bogus lawsuit.  Will the manufacturers of whole milk be able to sue those who make milk they claim is low fat or non-fat since this implies that these milks are somehow safer than whole milk?

Monsanto has also sued farmers when their crops tested positive for genes coming from Monsanto GMO crops after bees or wind carried the pollen from the GMO crops to the non-GMO farms.  The only way  to prevent getting sued by Monsanto is to buy their GMO seeds in the first place.  So it is clear that Monsanto is going for a monopoly and they are going to sue anyone that gets in their way to force them to to their goal.  So should these big corporations be given free reign? 



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