It is so difficult for some of us to continue doing LFs when we feel so ill when we do them. I have read that it is the toxins which come out in the bile which are readsorbed into the body that makes us feel so bad. Clark recommends doing parasite cleanses first and then doing different parasite herbs and supplements - I started with Clarks herbs then did Rascal, Quassia and other herbs and stay on the maintenance program. After the Quassia I passed a tangle of tapeworms, other worms and flukes on a LF. Clark's kidney cleanse dissolves hard calcium stones and prepares the kidneys to be more efficient in excreting toxins. (Some people use apples/malic acid, gold coin grass and other supplements to soften hard stones). I use Clark's Liver Support Tea to help clear toxins out of the liver. She recommends niacinamide to help with toxin release after LFs.
Although Clark's Liver-Flush is considered the 'best' Liver-Flush many people have described their experiences using other LFs in older messages. There is an avacado/egg Liver-Flush which is gentler.