Re: study links coffee use to pancreas cancer
I agree, industry commissioned studies, will always show the industry in a good light, after all industry is about money.
I have seen soooo many studies saying this or that causes cancer, and I wonder about the veracity of these studies as well. I also know just how easy it is to fudge statistics, one of the reasons I left my job with the coroners dept, was because I was asked to record deaths, that had nothing to do with smoking, as smoking related deaths, to boost the figures for the state government health dept, so they could get more funding from the federal government. In other words I was asked to lie. (I left the job, rather than lie on record).
IMO people are more likely to get cancer from the chemicals sprayed all over the coffee beans, or taken up from the soil by the coffee plants. Or from the processing of the coffee into instant coffee, or decaffeinated coffee. People who drink a lot of coffee, often have adrenal fatigue, and are often more stressed, this could also have an effect on cancer risk.