Re: study links coffee use to pancreas cancer
This is interesting, my great grandmother, who died at 96 years of age, in her sleep, was a avid coffee drinker.
My family are from Europe, and they drink very strong, small cups of coffee, always with a glass of water. The ones that were not killed by the Nazis during WW2, all lived to very advanced age, many living well into their nineties, and many over 100. They all drank this very strong coffee.
My Mother never drank coffee in her entire life, and died aged 48 of cancer.
There is obviously more to it just like how all smokers don't develop cancer. It could be something to do with how most people add milk to their coffee, which neutralizes the tannins. Or it could be something with the processing of certain coffees such as the roasting maybe altering the chemistry of the oils in the bean.
More research is really needed to find what could be causing the increased risk so we know what factors are involved with it. Again it is like the tannins in coffee and tea being linked to increased stomach cancer. But these tannins can be readily neutralized by a number of substances including dairy.
My primary point was to show people that just because one study, that was probably funded by the coffee industry, says that it can help prevent prostate cancer does not mean that it is safe.