Thank you for all of the good suggestions. I really appreciate the time you took to respond. I will try them all, and am in the middle of my 2nd flush in 5 days. However, the pains persist and feel so very different from the past. I am afraid that I may have ruptured the gallbladder during that last horrific attack and it is not saveable. If I am wrong about this and all these weird pains could possibly be something else, I would appreciate any suggestions.
After I took the olive oil and grapefruit juice last night, I was OK for about an hour, then all kinds of pain and discomfort plagued me for the rest of the night. That never has happened before.
I am so very worried that I pushed this too far and have no options left. And believe me, I'll be kicking and screaming to the operating room, so I haven't given up hope yet.