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Re: Coffee enemas addictive??- Schulze quote
t_montreal Views: 2,271
Published: 15 y
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Re: Coffee enemas addictive??- Schulze quote


Thank you for posting this article:) I had read it before, but it is so nice to refresh one's memory every once in a while! This is a classic case and such an interesting story-I can't help but root for the guy when he comes out of his depression/fog! And I know SO many people who could most likely get rid of their 'mental' symptoms by clearing their colons out real well!!!

I have to be honest though, that for me, at this time- the jury is still out about the coffee enemas. I have had pretty intense adrenal issues, and after 9 months of cleansing pretty agressively with CE'S/liver flushes- but not being as consistent with diet/sleep/emotional aspects- I can definitely say that my liver feels 'strung out!'.

Case in point, my last 2-3 flushes yeilded no stones, but left me with a lot of liver/gallbladder pain/weakness and my body and emotions feeling completely upside down and almost like I had regressed in terms of my internal balance/progress. I am not saying that this is the case for everyone- and I DO know that once upon a time, CE's/ Liver Flushing had absolutely SAVED MY LIFE. I just want to put it out there that you can only fool around with your body and organs long enough before they will stand/sit up and PROTEST!! Meaning, if one is going to DO a protocol, like the flushing/CE's/Juicing etc...don't go back and forth. Do it until issues are resolved, do it All the Way, or do it slow and steady...but be CONSISTENT. That's the name if the game!

Thaat being said, I have and am now working on diet/sleep/emotional issues and consistency, and giving the flushing and CE'ing a break. And I realize more fully just how VITALLY Important all these things truly are! :-)

Love and Blessings,



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