Here is what Uny had to say about Schulze and his comments on coffee enemas:
In the SYL manual (CD), read the chapters of 'Cleansing the Bowel' and 'Appendicitis', that'll give you a LOT of instructions and information that should be very beneficial right now (ignore his ' coffee enema comments' because he was not well-researched on CE's. He thought the 'energy' and sense of well-being after a Coffee-Enema comes from the caffeine, instead of the blood cleansing/dialysis that is actually responsible. Also, very little caffeine is assimilated - inserting 2-4 cups of coffee a few inches into the colon for 10-15 minutes and then expelling it all, is nothing like ingesting even one cup of coffee and not 'expelling it'. CE's actually strengthen the peristalsic action of the muscles, rather than lessening it like other enemas. Dr. Schulze totally misunderstood CEs :(