This is the first time I heard that
Dr. Schulze was really anti-coffee enemas. Here's the quote from him in Water's interview post:
Dr. Schulze is against coffee enemas.
INTERVIEWER: Some of these people do
coffee enemas twice a day.
SCHULZE: They do it forever.
INTERVIEWER: You are not in favor of that?
SCHULZE: No, not at all. Sure, coffee will stimulate the bowel to excrete more, but I would use
coffee enemas as an extreme because, when you do a coffee enema, you get a high from the caffeine because your colon absorbs that coffee.
I know this because I've done them, and I've had patients do them, and they are absorbing tremendous amounts of caffeine. For the average person this might be okay, but for a heart patient, it's going to cause cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, flutters of the heart. In these
cases, caffeine is contra-indicated — the same way I am against using salt as a bowel flush. Because large amounts of salt, if you are hypertensive, can give you a stroke.
I don't like to use things that can cause problems in other ways.
So, I would suggest to use your detoxification herbs. Like we mentioned, your chaparral, your yellow dock works very nicely; a good cleansing herb is wheat grass juice.
You can't get a better detoxification than wheat grass juice.
I'd rather have that than coffee every day because it's loaded with chlorophyll. I find that most people who do
coffee enemas are enema addicts.
They do two coffee enemas a day for the rest of their lives.
INTERVIEWER: You mean they have to do it.
SCHULZE: Yes, and then without it, their bowel doesn't work at all. This is typical of my clinic: A person comes in. I go, "How does your bowel work?" They go, "Hey, I have no problem with my bowel. I have two, three bowel movements every day. I go great."
"Do you drink coffee? Do you drink tea?"
"Yea. I drink about four cups a day."
But if they stop the coffee, that bowel never works again. Okay, coffee is a great bowel stimulant. Most of America thinks their bowel is working normal. If there was a coffee shortage in this country, we'd have constipation so bad, we'd need nuclear weapons to clear America. I mean, you know, it's a false sense of the body working."
This surprised me because I beleive that Uny thinks differently based on her studies of Dr. Gerson and her own use of CE's. I have been CEing for over six months now (about 4-5 X a week- back to back) and I think my bowels work fine or at least when I skip them, they begin to work on their own.
I do sometimes get a bit of a buzz and I do look forward to doing them because I usually feel better afterward but I don't think that is from the caffeine. At least the "feel better" or the energy that I get isn't the same as when I have taken something that contains caffeine orally.
Any comments?