Running out of options for hypoglycemia
Hello people,
As mentioned elsewhere, I made this post in other forums I thought were relevant, so I'm making it here also because I liked a lot of Hveragerthi's anwers to certain questions.
I'm dealing with many health issues (you can see my posting history for some details), but many of them have come to tolerable levels. I do have a life again, even though I have off days still and am still unable to work.
There is one thing that has made life hard and lately has been threatening to put me back stuck in the house. It's hypoglycemia. I don't know how long I've been actually dealing with it, but I started noticing the effects of it in the beginning of this year. In February, I believe it was, I became very aware that I had a problem because I collapsed and pretty much passed out, shaking, paranoia, etc. I did some research and hypoglycemia fit the symptoms. I had several diabetes testing strips and saw my blood
Sugar low when I felt like crap, so that confirmed it.
To counter it (along with my other problems) I have made a lot of adjustments. My diet is as follows.
My blood
Sugar drops automatically, little by little, so I have to eat about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, starting within an hour of waking up, and I eat one last time right before going to bed.
Beef is the main part of every meal. I was eating regular grocery store beef primarily at first, but now I've been eating primary "Organic Prairie" grassfed ground beef. I eat about a pound to a pound and a half a day, on good days, and up to around 2 to nearly 3
pounds on bad days. I eat the organic meat raw, and it has really helped me. I was severely underweight, and it wasn't until I started eating raw meat that I started putting on weight. It has plateued at 133 lbs though (I am 5'9"), which is still underweight.
I try to eat some form of fat with every meal - coconuts/coconut oil, olive oil, and avocadoes mainly. Sometimes fish oil. Coconut oil and fish oil lower my blood sugar, so I sometimes have a fruit to finish off the meal, usually an apple or some berries. I used to eat a fruit with every meal, but it was throwing off my blood
Sugar too much, causing what felt like really high blood sugar, so I minimize the fruits to like one a day usually.
I eat vegetable salads, celery, tomatoes, and stuff like that occasionally. I should probably be eating more of it, but vegetables aren't easy to eat. If I don't eat some kind of plants every once in a while, I feel pretty sick and acid from all the meat.
So, every day my daily meals are usually raw ground beef, coconut oil/olive oil, and a fruit.
I love seafood, so I eat it when I can. It makes me feel good. I've been eating ceviche when I can get a hold of it.
I only drink water. Nothing else.
I don't eat grains, bread, soda, junk food, processed foods, I don't use condiments, salt, etc. I never cheat because when I have done it, it disables me. I eat for health, not for pleasure these days.
Now let me talk about what I mean by "running out of options". I've noticed that a lot of things and foods lower my blood sugar. Fish and seafood lower my blood sugar, so several minutes after I eat it, I have to eat beef to bring it back up. I was eating salmon when I could get it, and it lowered my blood sugar. Wild salmon REALLY lowered it.
I don't consume dairy products, except for some cheese occasionally. Cheese lowers my BS (blood sugar), but not that badly. I don't know about regular milk, etc., because I stopped consuming it a while back. I was consuming RAW organic grassfed dairy when I could get it (milk, butter, cheese, cream), but that stuff REALLY lowers my blood sugar also. So as much as I love dairy, I unfortunately have to avoid it, even the good stuff.
Many herbs lower my blood sugar. I tried to go through the typical cleansing process recently (colon cleanse,
parasite cleanse, liver flush, etc.), now that I got some money to afford it for a while, but I had to stop because the
Colon Cleanse herbs where lowering my BS a lot, and it was hard to bring it back up. This is unfortunate because I want to do a
parasite cleanse like humaworm, but I am pretty sure those herbs will lower the BS even harder than the
Colon Cleanse herbs.
Fish oil lowers it. Hot spices lower it (no cayenne for me). I was looking for some Amla berries for the vitamin C content, but all I found was "Amla-C", an Amla supplement. I just took one yesterday, and within an hour my blood sugar was dropping really low. I almost passed out and was fighting to keep my BS up all day yesterday, eating every hour. I couldn't sleep last night because of that. This morning I felt somewhat improved. I researched Amla and found that Amla STIMULATES cells in the body that RELEASE INSULIN. That is the OPPOSITE effect I need.
Earlier today, I took some bee pollen from "Y.S. Organic Bee Farms", and it looks like that stuff lowers my blood sugar also. Not as bad as the Amla, but then, I only took about 10 little granules; trying to increase the dosage slowly. I wonder if the BS lowering effect is going to be pronounced if I keep increasing the amount?
I saw some posts about taking Chromium, but I read some horror stories of people who took chromium picolinate and had really bad hypoglycemic episodes. I realize that the form of chromium recommened around here is chromium polynicotinate and not picolinate, but my gut still has this hesitance to try it. I feel more comfortable eating actual foods than supplements, and my experience with "Amla-C" just reinforced that.
So yeah, I am running out of options and ideas on how to handle this problem. I can't seem to do the cleanses because of the hypoglycemic effects the herbs have on me.
Liver Flushes involve fasting, which I can't do well, and oils lower my blood sugars somewhat. Eating beef counters that, but that would expend the bile, which is the key component of the flushes.
I'm sure adrenal fatigue has a lot to do with it, as I have been through a lot of stress in my life, and I've noticed how stress and anger cause hypoglycemia to worsen in me. This adrenal fatigue aspect is new to me. I've seen the advice of vitamin C and pantothenic acid to rebuild the adrenals, hence amla and bee pollen, but the amla doesn't seem like an option to me and the bee pollen is beginning to be questionable as an option.
Another thing I'm considering trying out is eating raw, unheated honey. I have read about how it doesn't act as a radical sugar, or it is at least slower to enter the blood stream compared to sugar, if it is truly unheated. Honey Pacifica is a good company for that kind of honey. It seems counter-intuitive, but apparently honey can be really healing to the pancreas.
Anyways, I appreciate some thoughts, suggestions, comments, personal experiences, etc.
Looking forward to your replies!