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Image Embedded Re: as the son of an m.d. and personally seen the horror, megabite, let me tell you exactly what goes on.
Megabite Views: 2,179
Published: 15 y
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Re: as the son of an m.d. and personally seen the horror, megabite, let me tell you exactly what goes on.

Well I suppose you haven't seen the act yourself, either!

So has your MD Dad ever done any Abortions himself? Or is this one of those "an opinion is like an A-Hole, everybody's got one" kinda moments?

That's funny, two MEN dithering over how woman should not have control over their own bodies because of their own misguided perceptions about Abortion. And am I right that you are both Religious? (Christian, or one of the Christian Faiths)

The most typical Abortion is an Early Term Abortion explained perfectly here:


There is no "Baby's" head to puncture with anything or nothing to grab with forceps. Forceps are NOT used. There is no "Baby" it's a "Fetus" and it's pretty small.

And as far as any women getting a later Abortion? Well that's rightly their business not mine or yours. I would bet that a lot of them are forced to get delayed Abortions because of No-Choicers like yourself who limit their resources and want to take away women's Rights to their own bodies.

>"there's a reason in medical circles that doctors tend to keep their distance from the "abortion doctors". call it bad publicity, but as my 'ol dad calls it..."you are judged by the company you keep, especially in the medical community. and i just don't want to be judged by their (abortionist's) evil ways. I couldn't sleep at night."<

Good God. What backwards State does he live in?



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