A first trimester abortion is much like a D&C (dilatation and curettage) but much less invasive and lower risk of complication.
A first trimester abortion (the majority of abortions are 1st trimester except in cases of medical complications involving the fetus or mother when later abortions are performed) is a dilatation and vacuum aspiration. Vacuum aspiration is also used in liposuction. A first trimester abortion is conducted with only local anesthesia, whereas a D&C is done under general anesthesia.
Blood and tissue are removed from the uterus in both a D&C and a vacuum aspiration abortion. That's it blood and tissue.
And as I've reiterated before, women who undergo abortions usually do so after much deliberation and soul searching. Just as it should be. It is and should always be THE WOMAN'S CHOICE!!