as the son of an m.d. and personally seen the horror, megabite, let me tell you exactly what goes on.
my father, a general practitioner, once told me that he could not believe how his profession advocates the taking of another life. and if one thing could be changed out of all the problems in the medical system, abortions on demand would be top priority to eliminate. let's examine exactly what goes on in the abortion, megabite, since you probably haven't seen the act yourself.
the baby, and it sure is a baby any way you look at it, has his head punctured violently in most "typical" abortion procedures. then the accompanying nurse practioner is ordered to turn on the vacuum hose which incredibly sucks the aborted fetus from her attached mother's inner sanctum. if all does not go "well", mega, a large pair of surgical forceps is then inserted into the poor woman's vagina, deep inside, and appendages and other parts of the baby are torn from the baby's mass until everything is removed. In the timeframe of moderate to later-later term abortions when performed, this means that fingers, toes, arms, legs are clearly visible when the doctor removes the forceps from the vagina. a nurse's plain line of sight is a human being, piece by piece, being dismantled before her very eyes. bleeding and tearing of the mother's walls is commonplace as you can well imagine. the baby is now mass of plasm and mangled pulp. you might not recognze him or her in this state. you could notice features before, now, most would hide their eyes at the vile sight. the baby is taken away in sealed container or bag, depending on the clinic's protocol, and discarded...most of the time as biohazard waste. then, the stitching and mending of the mother continues.
now, our dear friend mega, what do you say to that? what intelligent comment can you come up's her body? "i wouldn't do it, but hey..."? when you see the procedure in living color, only man or woman of zero emotions and respect for life would ok it. people have become numb, such as you mega, because it has been going on now for decades and decades and decades. you've moved on from the actual terror of it to the legal aspect.
i'm not going to change your mind, that's not the attempt here. you are one that will die thinking you're right. that's just who and what you are. but my words are for those who haven't made up their mind or who need my harsh reality lesson 101 taught to them. there's a reason in medical circles that doctors tend to keep their distance from the "abortion doctors". call it bad publicity, but as my 'ol dad calls it..."you are judged by the company you keep, especially in the medical community. and i just don't want to be judged by their (abortionist's) evil ways. I couldn't sleep at night."