Re: Ah another attack team member!
I am not defending anyone other than pointing out the blatantly obvious. You walk around in this forum and piss on everything that moves. Then when you get some urine splashed back on you, you cry foul.
I think spud would laugh by you suggesting we are in some gang together. I would comment on obvious actions by anyone being an ass. In this case it's you. Hell even Tomi can see your idiocy these days.
You have gone off the deep end and the craziness really shines when you think your doing it for some imaginary just cause like "america" or "christianity." If the energy you are providing as an example of what your philosophy is all about then you are defending a sinking island in delusion strait.
In this case your archetype of martyrdom is bent and distorted out of shape to the extreme.
Piss and piss until you get a response and then claim victim when the response comes.
Sick. The grog chronicles continue.