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Re:Those that ignore history are condemned to repeat it.
RyanD Views: 3,303
Published: 15 y
This is a reply to # 1,720,642

Re:Those that ignore history are condemned to repeat it.

Yesterday was history ,so was last week. You don't have to go back two years to know what has been going on is worse then what went on two years ago.
This is what I dont understand about the Obama lovers. Will it take eight years for them to realize that Obama is just more of the same only to a higher degree.
The negatives Bush brought on this country in eight years Obama has done in two years!
Multiply that by four and Obama's damage will increase four fold! Bringing unemployment up to 40% and the national debt to 13 trillion dollars!
Besides Obama will never last four years, he doesn't have the heart or the brains to last in the big game!
Top dems are plotting his dismissal right now, the same with Pelosi ,dems are begging her to step down! This presidency and democratic control of this goverment is a complete failure!
You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows! Well some don't, others would rather live in denial!


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