Re: Post 39 day Master Cleanse, Soaking my nuts
I have been stalking through the shelves of all of my local health food stores and will scope out more grocery stores for the dairy free/coconut kefir. There must be some here!
Yeah, I had the chocolate Vega w water today (had just done the smootie w what I had on hand this a.m. - kefir, hemp protein, hemp oil, RawGreens stuff. Then, went to get the Vega and tried it w water.
Pepe!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the soup recipe!!! I've been craving squash for the past week and have corn on the cob in the fridge, so this is perfect! Will let you know how it turns out!
It's funny I'd never bought the miso paste before and I stood there for ages, comparing 5 different types before deciding.
Still feeling like crap (tired, achy, low energy)..may just make up some lemonade for myself for the rest of the day...