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Re: Ease Out, Day 5

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Re: Ease Out, Day 5

You know we are all individuals and different genetic make ups and life styles so there are some "common sense" guidelines that we can point to and then you (the individual) must use your own intuition on how to apply the guidelines and advice.

The main thing to take into account is the lenght of your MC so the key is to be gentle and patient and see how your sysem is reacting. How are you doing with the fruits? Are you having one or 2 solid poops yet?If things are moving well you can prolly gradually start with more cooked veggies. Maybe some nut milks to get some protein in. BTW nuts milks are real easy to make using your blender. You just need to get a nut milk bag to strain the pulp. I got mine online for like $6. Try a little of the Cucado raw soup and see how your system reacts. Add Miso in your soups to start replenishing the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

You are still at a pretty early stage after a 39 day fast just be very gradual. Keep up the fruits and juices and use your eliminations as a gauge to how your system is reacting to any additions. 



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