You know we are all individuals and different genetic make ups and life styles so there are some "common sense" guidelines that we can point to and then you (the individual) must use your own intuition on how to apply the guidelines and advice.
The main thing to take into account is the lenght of your MC so the key is to be gentle and patient and see how your sysem is reacting. How are you doing with the fruits? Are you having one or 2 solid poops yet?If things are moving well you can prolly gradually start with more cooked veggies. Maybe some nut milks to get some protein in. BTW nuts milks are real easy to make using your blender. You just need to get a nut milk bag to strain the pulp. I got mine online for like $6. Try a little of the Cucado raw soup and see how your system reacts. Add Miso in your soups to start replenishing the beneficial bacteria in your gut.
You are still at a pretty early stage after a 39 day fast just be very gradual. Keep up the fruits and juices and use your eliminations as a gauge to how your system is reacting to any additions.
Though it appears on first impression that you are doing OK if someone asked me straight out I would say most of what you mention (salsa I had made (just tomatoes, jalapenos, onions), a few organic corn chips. Had a veggie stir fry today. It's all good. Made hummus yesterday with a small amount of tahini) I would recommend against it for day 4/5 after a "39" days fast. The good news it that it appears your system is handling it OK without making you ill.
The color of your poops will also tell you how how your system is handling all this. If your poops are light colored, yellow maybe even whitish what that tells you is the your liver/gallbladder is not up to speed yet producing bile and bilirubin which is what turns your poop brown. Also if it float it means that your system is not quite digesting fats. Just be on guard for these things. and cut back to fruits and soups and salads if you observe any of these signs.
You can make nut milk from any nuts and most seeds and even rice. Brazil nuts make one of my fave milks. Pecan is also delicious. Fresh made almond milk is nothing like the packaded stuff. I've made milks from just about all the nuts. Of course making your own besides tasting much much better than any of the prepackaged milks it will be much much more nutritious.
1st all packaged foods have to be pasteurized (heated) by law which destroys the live enzymes. When you make your own you also soak the nuts overnight which makes them much more nutritious as I explained in a previous note. If you read the label of the packaged nut milks you'll see they add all kindsa additional crap. The trick to making your home made nut milks taste mo bettah is to add 3 or 4 dates for natural sweetness and some vanilla. A pinch of salt will also give it more of a dairy milk flavor. You can add the pulp to salads breads etc . When making almond milk You can mix the pulp with coconut oil and shredded cococnut for a delish raw treat. I've also added cacao powder which adds great flavor and superfood nutrition.
I couldn't find my nut milk bag local so I ordred this one from the internet
Most of the others you see out there have square bottoms and the shape of this one just made better sense to me.