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Re: How long does it take after eating something alkaline to make the urine alkaline?
JWangSDC Views: 1,890
Published: 15 y
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Re: How long does it take after eating something alkaline to make the urine alkaline?

Hey LoricaLady,

I asked moreless a similar question as I've become a raw vegan in the past 4 weeks and began a loose version of his protocol in my attempt to get rid of candida/parasites/CFS. I just started testing today (I've been consuming mostly biodynamic/organic kale/chard/celery/carrot juice with organic fruit and about 10% nuts) and yet my urine pH tested the maximum acididity of my strips at 5.5. My Saliva on the other hand was 8.0 (the max alkaline).

So we'll see what's going on.


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