15 y
Re: We all need to find the way to escape of it !!
BINGO. dvjorge - I could have written this post.
This has been my experience as well.
I would agree that we need to figure out why we are immune-suppressed or we will never hope to get rid of the candida. After my initial candida-cleansing (strict anti-candida diet, lots of herbs for killing candida, etc), I spent more time and energy figuring out why my immune system was suppressed and worked on that... while doing this, I did not need to take any candida-fighting herbs or meds. I just stuck to my diet most of the time while I worked on it.
I had mild symptoms of candida long before the deadly round of
Antibiotics that I had that pushed me over the edge. My body was still managing the candida ok until a year ago. One thing that was telling was that at the time that all hell broke loose, I was showering in a mold-filled showerhead (I didn't know!)... Next thing you know, I had a head-to-toe mold skin infection in addition to the out-of-control candida..there was mold in all of my skin pores... my husband? His head got a little itchy from the mold in the showerhead and after using some antifungal shampoo for a few times.. it cleared completely up. Of course, we had to change the showerhead after the discovery, but I lived with the after-effects of that for a very long time afterwards... clearly there was something definitely wrong with my immune system.
I will say that I believe I have discovered most my underlying issues (unless something else pops up). Poor diet, nutritional deficiencies (especially a severe vitamin B12 deficiency), High heavy metals (lead and barium), lots of gut infections, and leaky gut w/
food intolerances (keeping my immune system and liver busy).
I also believe poor thyroid and hormone function is playing a role here as well.