Re: liver tonic instead of flushes?
My naturopath sold me high quality liver tonics and cleanses for years. I think they did help to some degree, strengthen and even cleanse the liver, but not sufficiently. I finally got frustrated with the slow progress, educated myself with the help of this site, and started with liver flushes. Best thing I ever did for my health! I have removed hundreds of stones, big and small, and with the 3rd flush I even pushed out liver flukes! The years of taking the tonics and herbal flushes did not seem to have removed what I got out with the oil and lemon/grapefruit flushes.
With all the grumbling you mention, I wonder if you did cleanse your bowels before the liver flush? If not, your "plumbing" is too clogged to let all the sludge and stones from the flush through. I followed
Hulda Clark e's suggestions and did kidney and bowel and
parasite cleanses first, before liver flushes. I also got
colonics right after the first few flushes, to make sure toxins are removed A.S.A.P.
Wishing you Good Health!