First off, congrats for finding a good doctor finally. God knows they are few and far between. Have you been tested for Epstein Barr? That is a common virus. So is Cytomegalo and HHV-6 (not HIV). Maybe he is testing for one of those. Regardless, I would be most interested in hearing what he finds with you.
With me, I have leaky gut, candida, Roundworm parasites, Epstein Barr, lyme disease with lyme co-infections and mercury toxicity. If there is some hidden virus contributing to the non-lyme issues, I would love to know what it is. I have also heard that a retrovirus can be involved with people like us. All I know is, they have got to find something soon. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired and barely tolerating food, since what I can eat is so boring and monotonous. God what I wouldn't give for something "unhealthy" to eat just once again. Human should not have to live on only cardboard and water practically. It takes all the pleasure out of life. Bah!