hi angel! I was tested by my other infectious disease doctor and came back positive for Epstein barr and also flagged High positive for cytomegaloviris. this new doc saw these results and said these were not the ones he was going for. seems I'm packed full of viruses! can't imagine how he would treat these when there is no cure. hum...
still don't know what to think though, cause I would have never gotten aspergillus if I did not live in that god forsaken rental! I pray every day that I could go back and never live in that house....auh to have a time machine!
thanks for reminding me. I bought some heavy metal urine tests to take. I will take them later tonight. But I also have tons of bottles of modifilin (sp??) and drops for your water to remove metals. But was then side tracked when I was put on the itra and told that I could not remove metals while take prescriptions forget the reason. I don't want to make the itra less effective by doing this. I have no idea whats in crap pharms you think if I took the urine test the itra might have metals in it and it give me a false reading? I know a lot of pharms do.
I have used silver before for awhile didnt do anything to the aspergillus.
My candida was actually getting a lot better then I moved in a moldy house and got a whole new set of problems, I don't think candida is my problem so much anymore as just trying to get rid of this aspergillus. Yah I'm not so sure he knows what hes doing. Right now I have stopped herbal antifungals and have been just doing probiotics (which I have done before and still no help) but trying it again.... need to get on the vfend, he will only do it if his new sputum cultures come up positive... even though I already have results from not that long ago! annoying to say the least...