*update, Went to new infectious disease doctor today..Here's what he had to say.
I blew his mind as I do with any doctor with my lab tests and symptoms. He refilled my itra prescription for the time being (thank god!!) He wants me to redo the sputum cultures if they are positive again he said he wants me on Vfend!!! He said I should have been responding better to the itra but he said vfend was much better for aspergillus.(duh!) I have mixed emotions about this because everyone I talk to with this and all the medical journals say you need long term treatment with any of the antifungals, so me not getting better "enough" in 3 months doesnt mean to me that its not going to work. All the doctors I have seen share this thought though.
anyways I think he might be on the right track. I gave him my history of low immune system and always catching colds and tonsillitis every month and being given all the
Antibiotics for them then leading to the candida and aspergillus. He thinks there is something wrong with my immune system (duh again!) unlike my other ID doctor who thought my immune system was over reacting. I believe I have a low one not over reacting.
He thinks why I have the candida and aspergillus and I'm not getting better is from some sort of a virus that is keeping my immune system in a low state to not be able to fight these fungal infections off.He did a lot of blood tests to look for viruses, I could tell he has an idea of what he is specifically looking for...(interesting), I told him I came back positive for some other viruses my other doctor tested for and he said he saw that and that he did not test for the ones he was looking for. I will find out what these tests were in a month. It will be interesting to see if they are positive,what if it is positive, I wonder if you all took the same test if it would be also? There has to be some link between us all, tons of people take
Antibiotics for months even years (my friend for lyme) and don't get candida so why us? what can be done about a virus? thought there was no cure for them. Kind of hoping this guy is on the right track none of the others have come at it from this angle, to figure why the immune system is supressed, fix that then work on the fungus as a secondary problem.
I had a ton of things I forgot to ask to get tested for. Can you guys give me some ideas of tests to ask for. I know I need my thyroid, hormones, adrenals, blood glucose, tested, but can't think of anything else.?