I believe I have low stomach acid, and wondered if it is OK to take SAM-E to assist with that process through methylation? I know you recommend TMG, but I already have some SAM-E.
Yes, SAMe will work as well. it is just not as strong as TMG and costs a lot more. But if you already have it and need to use it up anyway it will still help.
I am also using Grape Planetary bitters. Not taking the bitters consistently, but wondered about that as well. The Planetary bitters require a teaspoon before meals, but that seems to be a lot for me, as I did develop some die-off symptoms.
You do not need anywhere near a teaspoon. Bitters work by stimulating the bitter receptors on the tongue, which in turn stimulates the vagus nerve. In order to do this you only need to taste the herbs. I recommend a half dropper full for each dose instead. This will also reduce the amount of berberine you will be ingesting, which kills the flora.