I believe I have low stomach acid, and wondered if it is OK to take SAM-E to assist with that process through methylation? I know you recommend TMG, but I already have some SAM-E.
Yes, SAMe will work as well. it is just not as strong as TMG and costs a lot more. But if you already have it and need to use it up anyway it will still help.
I am also using Grape Planetary bitters. Not taking the bitters consistently, but wondered about that as well. The Planetary bitters require a teaspoon before meals, but that seems to be a lot for me, as I did develop some die-off symptoms.
You do not need anywhere near a teaspoon. Bitters work by stimulating the bitter receptors on the tongue, which in turn stimulates the vagus nerve. In order to do this you only need to taste the herbs. I recommend a half dropper full for each dose instead. This will also reduce the amount of berberine you will be ingesting, which kills the flora.
Ok James I have used the TMG for over six months and felt no effects at all, so I just stopped it. Now you're saying it's the same as SamE???? [I also tried SamE without any effects either!]
TMG breaks down in to SAMe as it loses methyl groups. Basically TMG → DMG → SAMe → glycine.
So, am I not taking enough of it or what? Should I try the TMG again and if so, at what dosage? You probably already told me all this in old posts. I'll go back and re-read the earlier posts too.
I have GOT TO get rid of the depression!!!
If it did not help you originally then it is not likely going to help at all. The problem is that there are numerous causes of depression. It can be tricky narrowing down the cause in order to address the cause. Adrenal issues or hypothyroidism for example are common causes as are some medications. Elevated serum calcium or SAD can be factors. High prolactin, low levels of various neurotransmitters or prostaglandins can also be causes.
If you want I can send you a sample of my Good Mood formula to try and see if it helps. The people who said it worked for them have told me it starts working the same say they took it.
How about some vids on depression?
I will see what I can do. I have a long list of topics already, but it will be added to the list.
I appreciate the sample offer, James, but I'm sure it would take more than a sample of it to see any affects, wouldn't it?
Not really. As I mentioned everyone I have heard from said it started working the same day. So If I gave you a 2 week sample that should be more than enough to see if it works.
Actually I am willing to buy it and will do just that as soon as I use up the second bottle of TMG that I had.
Might as well use it up since I bought it right?
Yes. And TMG is good for so many things in the body other than some cases of depression and stomach acid.
Question: Is it likely that bitters create die-off symptoms? Sometimes I feel a little worse the next day after using them.
It is common to get a strong detox initially since they stimulate a release of toxins from the liver. This is why I have people start out slow with really bitter formulas such as the Live-R-Ight or bitters and drink a lot of water throughout the day. Normally it only lasts for about 3 days of continuous use. Symptoms can include fatigue, loose stools or diarrhea, nausea and sometimes even a mild fever.