The more I think about it, the more I think it might be die-off. Whenever I start a new antifungal or probiotic, one of the things I look for is die-off. If I don't get much, I assume it's not doing much. So why would it be any different with a stool probiotic? In fact, after a couple of days of rapid growth, there might be as many as 50 trillion new bacteria! This is WAY more bacteria than any commercial probiotic. So, if they are to do what is expected of them, and produce Candida killing toxins, then I must expect massive die-off. And you would expect it to go on for several weeks wouldn't you? I don't know of any antifungal that can clear up chronic candidiasis in any less time.
I'm almost believing this scenario. I really want to. I am so sick of being unwell.