Re: Moderator abuse
indeed H, this was not DQ's personal forum, in fact a public forum where differing viewpoints can be made, but we are mostly aware of your previous engagements with DQ and how this has led to long-drawn out debates/disagreements.
You had no idea before posting as to DQ's opinions on the causes/origins of cancer?
In my neck of the woods we call that a "porky-pie" as you most definitely have debated the origins/causes of cancer with DQ previously. I recall how you adamantly stated that cancer was viral in origin, and that DQ disagreed with that premise.
Hard to believe therefore that there was no intent to bait or challenge DQ.
"I came to DQ's defence despite him starting the insults"!!
If you can point to the actual post/s that DQ has made to you or anyone else that were insulting or abusive, or whatever, I would appreciate it. You need to substantiate your claim.
I am well aware of the money-making-machine that does not seek cures, so please.....spare me the lecture.
The Viral/microbial origins of cancer.............
The only time that cancer was considered to be transmissible was between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when special hospitals were built in certain European countries to isolate patients with cancer: much in the same way as was done for patients with leprosy.
The eventual conviction/outcome was that cancer was not contagious.
This belief was strengthened during the period of microbiology by the inability to identify a germ or bacterium that could be related to cancer. THIS then explains the scant attention paid to the experiments of Peyton Rous at the beginning of the twentieth century on the role of viruses in the origin of tumors.
However, in the first half of the twentieth century, the hypothesis of a viral origin for human cancer gained the support of great scientists such as Oberling in France and Zilber in the former Soviet Union.
It became a favorite (and pointless) hypothesis at the time of President Nixon's war against cancer in the early 1970s, and which has recently returned in vogue with renewed strength..............(to no avail).
Microbes/viruses/pathogens/bacterium are merely the by product of cancer and other diseases, and where none of these can exist in a terrain that does not support their actual existence.
This tallies with Louis Pasteur on his death bed where he declared: "Claude Bernard (Bechamp) was right... the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything."
Oncogenes are just an explanation of the above and a contemporary medical excuse as to the origins of disease.
you are missing the point.........
"Hepatitis viruses cause liver cancer. Simian virus type 40 causes brain, bone and other cancers. HPV viruses have been linked to cervical, breast, prostate, nasopharyngeal and skin cancers. It was recently linked to another cancer, but I do not recall which one. Leukemias and some lymphomas result from human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma viruses 1, 2, 3 and 4. well known.
Try researching the subject on Medline if you want to learn the facts rather than rely on assumptions".
The FACTS H are not those you have listed above, because if the BODILY-TERRAIN does not support their existence then they cannot survive/thrive, and if they do, then it is only a toxemic-terrain that supports their existence.
Q. What type of terrain supports their existence?
A. A Toxemic terrain, which leads to IRRITATION & then INFLAMMATION.
I am toxin-free with no cancers, no viral infections, no colds and no other diseases whatsoever..........for over 30 years.
You are simply barking up the wrong tree.