My thoughts are that because my kidney and abdomen hurt so badly that I had to go to the ER, these bugs are up way too high to get them by putting meds in their exit. I can't afford to have them go up any farther or to stay up there. I think rather than send them up and in, I have to drive them down and out, from the inside out.
If, as I expect, the pins have invaded my kidney and fallopian tube any kind of topical treatment or using meds on their only way out will trap them inside. It's bad enough having them lay eggs on the exterior of my privates but that's better than having them tear me up inside.
I take the Ivermectine around noon now because the pins get active in the afternoon to evening. It's helping for sure and I may take it twice a day for a few days to see if that works. I don't know what else to try.