I agree, it is extremely important to find the proper dosage for one's body. I found that the original protocol of gradually working up to many drops Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ( 15 or more) in one session did not work for me at all. I was able to beat my e-coli infection with the more recent protocol of increasing to only 2 or 3 d Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at a time, but also increasing the times per day. I think I went up to 8 times a day, this for less than a week.
To set the records straight, I now believe Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is not guilty in regards to my swollen ankles. My physician thinks its because my thyroid had gone from being underactive to overactive, in a matter of 3 months. My fault, in that time span I took two tablets of T 100 without checking results. Now I am off the T 100, and should know in a week or two if the ankles go back to normal. If yes, then I feel confident to start on MMS again, but only for maintenance, 2d or 3d twice a day.