Congratulations this is wonderful...C/Z can use.
I'm proud of you spud
this is a wonderful board.
I come across stories like a Japan man found a way to make oil out of trash just recently.
this might be weird to ask a question about...but as you know I'm not your average joe.
what kind of ice boxes can one have on solar energy? brand name maybe?
I tried searching one time..but since you live it you know right? know of good brand fan- solar wise?
another question for you but it is not solar?
what is a good name chicken I can get to bear brown eggs?
maybe i will start with 3 females and later a male one.
I found out the males doodle all hours not just when the sun comes up.
I think I know a little how to i.d. if it is male or female
by the little place on the side face...?
Or do you know a better way to i.d. a female a male?