I had severe eczema over a year ago. I tried many things but never went the route of pharmaceuticals.
borabora, I had severe eczema over a year ago. I tried many things but never went the route of pharmaceuticals. I had leaky gut and candida as well but had had that for a long time and didn't ever have eczema. I then found out I had a bacterial infection in my digestive tract and I suspected that was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak, and thus I developed this horrific and very painful eczema. I lost tons of weight too as I was no longer digesting proteins or any of my food that I could eat (was already on a very limited diet). I was finally given information on Aloe Arborescens by someone whose
Psoriasis was cured by taking it. Interestingly enough I never came across any info about it while searching for an eczema cure and so I just wanted to share that it worked for me.
I took 3 TBS per day internally - I'd have taken more but my budget only allowed that but it was enough to facilitate healing. It took me a total of maybe 3-4 months to completely heal, but relief was felt and rashes began to heal within a week. I also began to heal internally and regained the weight lost and was able to better digest my food again. I never did any cleanses, didn't eat a raw diet, didn't take any other supplements - not to say those are not effective as they most certainly are, just stating the Aloe was the only thing I was doing at that time.
What works for one may not work for another but I highly recommend it. It is superior, by the way, to Aloe Vera - if you google the website (the manufacturers who make and distribute it to resellers) they have scientific data on it and in my opinion worth reading up on.
Be Well!